Blue and Green Hydrogen: Safety Hazards, Risk Mitigation, and Best Practices

Hydrogen, a versatile and clean energy carrier, is gaining prominence as a key player in the global transition towards sustainable energy solutions.

Two emerging technologies in hydrogen production are Blue Hydrogen, produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS), and Green Hydrogen, produced through renewable energy-powered electrolysis of water. While these technologies promise significant environmental benefits, it is crucial to understand and address the safety hazards associated with their generation, storage, and utilisation. Whilst Hydrogen is not a new area for Triton, we briefly explore the key safety concerns of Blue and Green Hydrogen and look at different approaches to prevent and mitigate potential risks.


Blue Hydrogen: Production and Safety Hazards

Blue Hydrogen is produced from natural gas using steam methane reforming (SMR) or autothermal reforming (ATR), followed by carbon capture and storage to minimise greenhouse gas emissions. The key safety hazards associated with Blue Hydrogen production include:

  • Hydrogen Release: The production process involves handling large volumes of hydrogen, which poses a risk of unintended releases leading to flammable atmospheres.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage: The transportation and storage of captured carbon dioxide (CO2) raise concerns related to leaks and potential environmental impacts.
  • High Temperatures and Pressures: The reforming processes operate at high temperatures and pressures, necessitating robust equipment and safety measures.


Green Hydrogen: Production and Safety Hazards

Green Hydrogen is produced by electrolysing water using renewable energy sources. While considered environmentally friendly, the production of Green Hydrogen presents specific safety challenges:

  • Electrical Hazards: Electrolysis involves the use of high electrical currents, posing risks of electric shock, short circuits, and fire.
  • Hydrogen Release: Similar to Blue Hydrogen, Green Hydrogen production involves handling significant quantities of hydrogen, leading to potential release hazards.
  • Chemical Exposure: The electrolysis process involves the use of electrolytes, which may pose chemical exposure risks.


Common Safety Hazards in Storage and Transportation

Both Blue and Green Hydrogen face common safety hazards during storage and transportation:

  • Flammability: Hydrogen is highly flammable, requiring careful handling to prevent combustion and explosions.
  • Embrittlement: Hydrogen can cause embrittlement in certain materials, affecting the integrity of storage tanks and pipelines.
  • Leakage: Unintended hydrogen leaks during storage and transportation can create flammable atmospheres.


Preventing and Mitigating Hydrogen-Related Safety Risks

To ensure the safe generation, storage, and use of Blue and Green Hydrogen, various preventive and mitigative measures should be adopted:

  • Robust Safety Standards: Establish and adhere to comprehensive safety standards, regulations, and guidelines specific to hydrogen production, storage, and utilisation.
  • Leak Detection Systems: Implement advanced leak detection systems to identify and address hydrogen leaks promptly.
  • Materials Selection: Use materials resistant to hydrogen embrittlement in the construction of storage tanks and pipelines.
  • Emergency Response Plans: Develop and regularly update emergency response plans to address potential incidents swiftly and effectively.
  • Employee Training: Provide thorough training for personnel involved in hydrogen-related activities, emphasising safety protocols and procedures.
  • Public Awareness: Educate the public on the safety measures in place, ensuring transparency and trust in the hydrogen industry.



Blue and Green Hydrogen offer promising solutions for a cleaner energy future, but understanding and addressing safety hazards are paramount to their successful integration. By implementing robust safety standards, adopting advanced technologies, and prioritising employee training, the hydrogen industry can ensure the safe deployment of these technologies, contributing to a sustainable and secure energy landscape.

Contact Us today to find out how we can help you manage your Hydrogen related risks.